About us

We are six village Churches in rural Dorset offering a variety of events and services to our communities.
We have strong links with our local Church school, the Dunbury Academy, and a good relationship with Sturminster Marshall First School.
Do get in touch or come and visit us - we look forward to welcoming you in person!

Who's who
Our vicar is the Rev. Jane Williams
The Vicarage
Newton Road
Sturminster Marshall
BH21 4BT
01258 858604 janewilliamsrpc@outlook.com
Benefice Clerk and Administrator Lay Worship Leaders
Vicky Harrison-King Mike Stone
Andrew Helson
Jim MacDuff
Lay Pastoral Assistants
Pam Stone
Jonathan Chichester
Safeguarding Officer
Kate Brice
Church Wardens
Jim MacDuff
James Rowatt
Terence Arden
Sturminster Marshall:
Katie Norman
Carol Johnson
Winterborne Kingston:
Nick Bosanquet
Winterborne Zelston: